Crazy Cube
A large Black cube instantly explodes into 8 small colourful cubes! A must-have.
View InfoA Big Black Cube Magically explodes into Eight multi-colored cubes with one simple shake.Delight friends and family with this enchanting Illusion and add a touch of...
Dizzy Dice
A black dice with white spots instantly changes into a white dice with black spots!
View InfoA black dice with white spots instantly changes into a white dice with black spots right in front of your eyes!!!Extremely surprising reactions from your audiences...
X-Ray Vision
You use your X-Ray Vision to declare correctly the number of the dice in the box!
View InfoYou ask your friend to put the dice in the small box without showing you the top number. He closes the box and returns it to...
Gamblers Dice
You can always correctly predict the number on top of the dice in the box, before the box is opened!
View InfoYou put a dice in a box and shake it.You can predict the number on the top of the dice before even opening the box!(requires some...
Shrinking Dice
A big dice magically shrinks to a smaller dice in front of your friends eyes!
View InfoA Big dice is shown. You close your fist with the dice in it and wave a magic wand over it. It amazingly shrinks to a...
Traveling Cubes
3 dice fly one-by-one magically from one tube into another tube.
View InfoA stack of 3 cubes are shown in the form of a tower. You have two cases. When the cubes are covered with one of the...
Growing Dice
A tiny dice grows into a large dice which further explodes into an even larger dice in this magical dish!
View Info"The amazing dish that grows a small dice into two larger dice with just a few turns!A fantastic trick to confound your folks!Fits in the pocket...
Magic Tricks with Dice
5 Extraordinary Magic Props to perform Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks with Dice!
View Info5 Extraordinary Magic Props to perform Mind-Blowing Tricks with Dice! Make cubes explode visually into smaller, coloured cubes!Or how about guessing your friend's chosen dice number...
Miracle Dice Box
The dice kept in the box changes compartments & suddenly vanishes to appear in your pocket!
View InfoA dice is kept in one compartment of the cabinet (box) and the box is closed. When opened, the dice changes compartments.When repeated, the dice also...
Magnetic Magic Tricks Bag
Perform 25 Magic Tricks with Magnets! Collect the other 7 bags too!
View InfoPerform 25 Magic Tricks with Magnets with this Wonderfool Magic Bag! Here are some of the best, visual, easy to-do and carry magic tricks that use...
Lucky Envelopes
No matter what, you always win the money in the envelopes!
View InfoSpectator hides his money in one envelope. Magician gives him 5 dice chances. But spectator still loses!FEATURES:Secret Instructions enclosed.
Dicey Cube
A large cube slides down along the thread and stops midway at your command!
View InfoA large cube slides down along the thread and stops midway at your command!When others try the same, they fail miserably and are in awe of...